Thursday, January 31, 2008

Tuesday and Wednesday, I volunteered for the first time for my service-learning class. Basically, we have class for an hour or two a week, where we talk about our service projects and then are required to have 40 hours of service work for this first half of the semester. I'm volunteering at a place called Miguel Leon. It's half orphanage and half-nursing home type place. Both ends of the spectrum, huh? I'm working in the nursing home. Most of the people staying there are not able to do almost anything for themselves; they can't dress themselves, get up to use the bathroom, feed themselves- nothing. It's rather sad. There are a good handful that are ambulatory and actually go down to the dining room for lunch. What do I do? I go around with one of the people that works there and help change diapers, give sponge baths, change clothes, make the bed, and feed the residents (that's what we called the people staying at Gabriel's Villa... they call Miguel Leon a hospital though, so I'm not sure what to call them- patients?) It not the easiest thing to do, that's for sure- seeing all those people in that state; quite sad, actually. But I'm glad that I can help. 

I gave a presentation in my Spanish class today over "Mi Familia" (in Spanish, mind you), complete with a Powerpoint presentation and pictures :) I needed something to get the attention off me. I was so nervous even though I'd practiced it a billion times and felt decent about it. When I stood up though, the nerves just hit me. Hopefully at some point in my life, I will grow up and be able to talk in front of people. We'll see. I am very glad to have it finished. The teacher said I got a 9/10 on the oral part, so I'm satisfied. We also had to write a 3-page paper for it, and she has yet to grade that. My second week of school is almost finished! Woohoo! AND we have Monday and Tuesday off for Carnival. Gotta love the holidays ;)

This weekend is Carnival, and I found out I AM going somewhere with my host family. Still not quite sure where, but maybe to a relative's house? We are leaving Saturday morning. I'm sure it'll be a good time. We're going to eat some chancho (roast pig that they actually kill and roast themselves) and cuy. You'll never guess what cuy is. It's a delicacy here in Ecuador. Tera- I'm going to try one of Queen Elizabeth's sisters or brothers. That's right- it's guinea pig. I am going to eat guinea pig. AHHH!! What an experience, right?

In about 10 minutes, we (some people in the group) are going out for lunch and then on a photo adventure in Cuenca. So hopefully I will have some pictures of my new home to put up soon tomorrow. This weekend I also hope to get some pictures of my family, so you can see them too. Much picture taking to be had. 

We went to lunch at a place called Classico. DELICIOUS. It was Italian food. Savannah (a girl in my group) and I split a calzone, and it was delectable. I had pineapple juice (my FAVORITE), and when we were all finished, the owner liked us so much that he gave us free pieces of chocolate cake. Good stuff. After that, we went to an ice cream shop. There's nothing wrong with having two desserts, right? Katie (one of the program coordinators) said it was just because ice cream provides good photo ops ;) I concur. I got Oreo ice cream, though there were only about 3 tiny chunks of Oreo actually in the ice cream. I was a little disappointed at first, but then I tasted it, and all was well. That was the creamiest ice cream I have ever had the joy of tasting in my life. Wow. Everyone needs to try it. When you come to visit me, I can take you there ;) We didn't really get a chance to wander around Cuenca taking pictures because it started to rain :/ That's okay though- perhaps another time.

p.s. I was talking with a girl in my group about southern accents (she's from South Carolina) today before class, and she commented that I have a very strong northern accent. I think it's so funny that we always think OTHER people have accents, but not ourselves (because I don't think that I have an accent at all). Just what we're used to I guess. :)


startsinmynose said...

oh nooo! queen elizabeth will be heart broken! :) (i better not tell jae. shell never fogive you...;))

Anonymous said...

Haha, you were disappointed to see just 3 pieces of oreo. I can see what your face looked like.

Unknown said...

soo very impressed with the "expanding of your wings"!!!
p.s. i still become "the sweaty girl in class" when i get up to speak at times. (i feel your pain!)
million and one