Thursday, February 14, 2008

La Clase de Cocinar y El Dia del Amor y Amistad

Last night, we had an optional cooking class. I decided it would be a very good idea for me to go, as I know next to nothing about cooking (I can do cereal and sandwiches ;)  ). So with about 6 other people from the group, we went over to the house of the professor that was teaching the cooking class. We were going to make Locro de Papas (which is like a potato soup). Wellll... basically we ended up preparing the ingredients to be cooked but didn't actually do any of the cooking ourselves. I peeled and cut up potatoes for a good half hour. Other people cut garlic or avocados (for putting on top of the soup once it was finished). Then our teacher put it all together with whatever else was needed and put it on the stove, and we waited. It was very good, but I can't say I could ever cook it for you. That's okay though; it was fun.

Today is El Dia del Amor y Amistad (Day of Love and Friendship). Let me tell you, it's a pretty big deal. Granted, not as big as in the U.S.-- meaning they don't start advertising 2 months in advance, but big nonetheless. There are people selling flowers and candy everywhere. Funny story: I got up at 330 this morning to use the restroom. When I got back into bed, I heard something outside. Turns out that starting at midnight, boys go out into the streets in front of the houses of the girls they're dating or like and serenade them quite loudly. So at 330 this morning, I heard a bunch of boys outside singing to some lucky girl, and it lasted for quite some time. Funny, huh? I picked up flowers and candy bars for the people in my family on the way home from classes this afternoon. Nothing too special, but it's fun to give gifts. I went up to my room to put my backpack away, and there on my table was a flower arrangement (roses!) with delicious chocolates in it too from my host parents. How sweet! 

Well, I think I am going to head home now. I don't want to miss the hot chocolate and bread that we have for a snack ;) I definitely look forward to that and haven't been home for one "coffee time" yet this week. AND, I have a Spanish grammar mid-term to study for. Yikes. Have a wonderful day.

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