Saturday, I went with my host family to Yunguilla, the same place we went for Carnaval. It was a good time- relaxing, warm weather, lots of family. I read, took pictures (mostly of flowers; you wouldn't believe how pretty the flowers were around the house), played cards ("Speed" champion! Oh, how I love that game...), watched soccer and movies, got some more bug bites (of course). I got some videos of Mateo (my host-nephew) dancing. He has got some moves, that little guy does. Almost every night at home after supper, he goes and turns on some Reggaeton and dances. I've gotten a few lessons from him, but I don't think they've done much good (I'm a hopeless cause).
Funny story: I have a 13-year-old "cousin" named Martin that was there this weekend. Saturday afternoon, he decided he was going to pick on me. He was standing behind my chair while we were watching a soccer game on TV, and he goes, in English, to whoever passed by, "Do you know she is my girlfriend?" pointing at me. I was like, "what??" For the duration of the night and on into Sunday, he would call me "sweetie" and "honey" and say things like "Did you know I am really fun?" At one point, in Spanish, I asked him how old he was. He answered "16". My host sister Carolina goes, "menos 3" (minus 3). He even was singing to me. Of course all the other cousins, especially the boys, encouraged him because they thought it was so funny (and it was). He commandeered my camera at one point and took 8 pictures of himself and at least 3 videos of himself saying hello and kissing the air. Oh dear, it was quite humorous.

Picture 1: I found a spider on my photo expedition. It was a pretty big guy- I'd say probably 2/3 my pinky-length, maybe bigger.
Picture 1: I found a spider on my photo expedition. It was a pretty big guy- I'd say probably 2/3 my pinky-length, maybe bigger.
Picture 2: Abuelito! This is my host mom's dad, Julio. He's so cute.
Picture 3: One of the many flowers around the house.
the spelling....i thought it was on purpose bc the website is a blog page i figured you just added the 'n' for good measure. goonball. lets see a picture of this novio of yours..... we miss you :( !! love you! cant wait til you come home and we can have a starbucks date.
Boyfriend and spelling errors? Ali, you are changing so much. Glad to hear it though. :)
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