Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Hola Muñeca

So I decided it would be a good idea to let you know what it's like being an extranjera (foreigner- specifically a foreign girl). It's quite interesting, let me tell you. On my way to and from school (or any other place for that matter), it is not uncommon that a Cuencano guy says something as I walk by. And this is not just me- I'm not special in any way--- all the girls experience this. You'll get the "Hola muñeca" (Hello doll) or the "Hola. Buenas tardes. Como estas? Bien?" (Hello. Good afternoon. How are you? Good?.) That's one of my favorites; a guy that works/ lives near my house that just stands outside sometimes LOVES to say that- same thing every time. OH- there's also the random kissing noises or the sound "tss tss tss" they make as you walk by. Sometimes, they'll say a few words in English- multiple times: "Hello. Hello. Hello. How are you?" It's actually pretty funny when you think about it; does it actually ever work for them? I highly doubt it. I either look at the ground as I'm walking by (which is beneficial for another reason too: making sure I don't step in dog poop on the sidewalk) or stare straight ahead. Once I'm actually past them, I can hardly control my laughter because I just think it's so humorous. Goodness gracious. So, if you are a girl, that's what it'd be like if you came down to Cuenca. I think it is a pretty similar situation with the guys in most Latin American countries. Different cultures, different people. 

This afternoon we find out about our jungle trip next week! Woohoo! Tomorrow I will probably let you know what I find out. I'm so excited!!!!!!!!!

POST SCRIPT: Oh, the timing! This is just too funny. So, I was walking home for lunch today, like always. I was about 3 blocks from my house, and I was walking past this store front. There was a guy standing in the store front, and when I approached, he stepped out onto the sidewalk, WITH A ROSE IN HIS HAND. He held it out to me. My eyes probably about popped out of my head. Without thinking, I said in a very kind, gracious voice, "No gracias." He goes "No?? Porque no???" ("No? Why not?"). I kept my cool and kept walking. Oh man; I don't even want to know what would have happened if I had taken it. I just thought it was soo funny how I'd written about this sort of thing, and then shortly after the ULTIMATE example of it happened as I walked home this afternoon. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ali, you weirdo why didn't you take the rose??? He was probably just being nice.