Thursday, April 24, 2008

The end is near...

I am officially DONE-ZO with my sophomore year of college! Oh, it feels wonderful. 

Now that I am able to think about things other than school and studying, goodness gracious, I leave Cuenca on Sunday. I feel the same way I did right before leaving the States to come to Ecuador. Like- Whoa, all the sudden it's here, and I'm not prepared for it. And I don't mean prepared as in all packed; I mean prepared as in mentally/ emotionally (though I'm not very in touch with my emotions). I don't know- I think it will be weird at first when I get back. I will have been here for almost 4 months- different culture, different people, different food... I apologize- I can't be too reflective; like I said-  not so in touch with my emotional side.

Anyway, we leave for Peru on Sunday. I'm so excited!! We're going all over Peru- lots of bus time, but I have a book, so I'm ready. Machu Picchu is going to be amazing and oh my goodness I can't wait. We're supposed to get some beach time, so maybe I'll be able to fix my goofy tan (one can only hope). I still have to pack- ick. I think I'll try to start tonight. I don't feel like I've bought a  lot, but I think it'll be rough. I'm not the greatest packer. We'll see though. 

Shoot, I'm sorry, but I haven't got much to say. My Ecuadorian adventures are drawing to a close, and I don't know if there will be any internet access to tell about some of my Peruvian adventures. 

Alrighty- I'm going to go home for some lunch. One of these days before I leave, my host sister Carolina is going to make this fantastic strawberry dessert. Woohoo!

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