Friday, April 25, 2008

Well, my blog won't end quite yet- my mom had the good idea that even if I have no internet access to report on my time in Peru, I should keep track of what I do in my journal, then when I get back to Wisconsin, give you all an update on what it was we did/ share pictures. So, that is the plan. 

I wandered around Cuenca this morning, taking pictures of some of the pretty buildings. Bought my host mom, sisters, and Jenni (our 19-year-old housekeeper-type girl--- super sweet) roses and my host dad and Mateo some candy. I think when I get home this afternoon, Carolina and I are going to a movie or to the mall or something. At 730 tonight, CEDEI is hosting a "Despedida"-- farewell dinner. There's going to be a slide show and speakers and food :) I feel like I'm graduating or something. 

13 days from now I will be on a plane or in an airport waiting to catch my next plane on my way home to good ol' Wisconsin. I admit I have never really appreciated the Cheese State until I came to Ecuador. Home sweet home :) 

Until next time...

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