Tuesday, April 1, 2008

I haven't really had much to say lately. Been studying till my brains are ready to fall out. I had a mid-term last Friday, one today, and one tomorrow. Whew- all worth 1/3 of my grade, so kind of a big deal :/ Two down, one to go, and I think the next one will be the hardest; it's for my Latin American Culture and Civilization class. I really enjoy the class and like my teacher a lot, but it's all history and all in Spanish which= hard to study . The test is mostly essay, so we'll see how it goes. I don't expect too much sleep tonight. 

But you know what? I just keep telling myself that when the tests are all over, I'm going to the jungle. That's right. It's finally here. We leave early Thursday morning for the AMAZON JUNGLE!!!!!! I'm mildly excited ;) Okay, super excited. We're coming back Monday, so that is five whole days of wonderful, humid, sticky, hot jungle time. 

When I get back, I've got less that 3 weeks left in Cuenca and then 13 days in Peru (it's been decided that we're leaving two days earlier for Peru than originally planned, so that's pretty sweet). Shoot, only like 5 weeks left until my grand return to the Cheese State. Time has flown, and I'm pretty sure it's only going to go even faster now. Honestly, I'm pretty ready to come home. I have had/ am having a blast, and this is definitely the opportunity of a lifetime (goodness, I will be able to say I lived in Ecuador for 4 months). My host family is great, classes are okay (....ha.... I still have 3 huge papers to write when I come back from the jungle, not to mention 3 finals... that's school though- only like 9 more years of it, no big deal ;)    ). Living in a completely different culture is something I highly recommend- it's definitely an eye-opener. I've learned a lot about other people and a lot about myself too. All that to say I will be ecstatic when I get home. 

Happy Tuesday!


startsinmynose said...

ah. shes back.. i was begining to wonder where you went....i love and miss you tons....

Unknown said...

My computer went out of commission for over a week...I was bummed, thinking I was missing out on several details of your cool, out-of-the-country life--and only one stinking blog entry to read. I'm bummed (not only b/c of the stories but b/c I'm coming out of my non-technology using depression--you'll try it when you go to the jungle--being "out of the loop" technologically stinks...)