Monday, April 21, 2008


Oh my goodness, it's already my last week in Cuenca. My, how time flies! Unfortunately, it's looking like it's going to be a rough week- lots of tests and presentations. It all starts this afternoon, and the storm doesn't end until Thursday afternoon. Much studying and preparing will be done, and little sleep will be had. Hopefully, it will be worth it. All that to say, no blog entries of any substance until probably Wednesday afternoon. This week may also mark the end of my blog- I surely cannot write about "my adventures in Ecuador" when I get back to the U.S. I don't know about internet availability in Peru (which we leave for on Sunday morning!! YAY!!!). Anyway, have a fantastic day.

1 comment:

startsinmynose said...

you can always change your blog title to 'mis aventuras en oshkosh' or something of the likes.... cant wait til you come home. love you.