Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Roadtrip to Peru- not many people do that, huh?

So we have made it safely to Peruvian soil. Lots of driving has been involved (and there is still more to come), but it really hasn't been that bad. I like roadtrips and brought a couple books to read, so I'm content. Our bus is quite nice- spacious, comfy seats, DVD player, big windows for a nice view of outside. I've noticed a little tension between people in the group. I think it's the close quarters :) That'll get you every time. We're going to a museum this morning, doing some more driving, and around 2, we'll reach our destination, which has a beach :) You can bet that's where I'll be spending my day. Oh, how exciting! Okay, well I'll give more of the Peruvian happenings at a later date (here's a little teaser: there was a mouse at one point. You're on the edge of your seat now, aren't you ;)   )-- it's time to go eat breakfast and then on the road again. 8 days!! Happy Wednesday.

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